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Topic Discussion
All Participants The Tabelio™ was launched in 2020 and we are excited about the prospects of adding value to the notary community. Suggestions for changes, enhancements etc. should be directed to John@reliableid.com
Groups Groups are established to provide a place to hold a discussion about a particular topic. Individuals can join any group and contribute to the discussion based on how the owner set up the access for the group. Some groups are open to any member who wants to participate, other groups are by invitation only. The owner of the group, the person who set it up, makes that decision.
Within a group a member can:
  • Create, post and comment on blogs
  • Initiate group discussion topics
  • Add supporting files to the group
  • Create unique pages for the group
  • Add a bookmark
There is a sample group called “Sample Tabelio™ Group” to show how best you use the group concept
To participate in a group discussion, you need to first join the group. Select the “Join group” button in the upper right hand corner to become a member of the group
Group Setup A description of a group setup process follows:
Setting up a new group – click on the blue “+Create a new group” in the upper right-hand corner of the Discussion Group page and it will take you to the “Create a new group” page. The individual setting up the group becomes the default owner.
Create the following fields:
  • Group name – Include short description of the group
  • Upload a new icon – Choose a graphic image for the group. This can be left blank and a default icon will be used
  • Description - Add a detailed description of the group’s purpose.
  • Brief Description – This is the description that appears under the group name on the Discussion Group page
  • Tags -add any relevant tags
  • Group Membership – choose between:
    • Open - Any user may join
    • Closed – Users must be invited
  • Default group content access – choose between the options
    • Public – anyone can see
    • Logged in users
    • Group Members Only
Members Members are anyone who decides to join the Tabelio™ community Meeting place. If you have registered from the home page you are a member, but you will need to set up your member profile so other members will know who you are when they reach out to you.
To participate in a group discussion, you need to first join the group. Select the “Join group” button in the upper right hand corner to become a member of the group
Member Setup The member profile setup is straight forward and it gives you as a new member a chance to introduce yourself to other members. In the profile setup you have the ability to provide as much or as little information about yourself. These are non-required fields but at a minimum it is suggested that you include the fields which are Bolded below:
  • About me – This text box allows you to add as much information about yourself as you desire.
  • Brief description - This is where you can add a short description such as your title or area of expertise. This will display underneath your name on the member list.
  • Location – This is freeform, it can be city, state/province, country etc.
  • Interests – Interests in business or personal
  • Skills
  • Contact email - If you would like to have other members contact you outside the Tabelio™ meeting place
  • Telephone
  • Mobile Phone
  • Website
  • Twitter username
Pages A member can create a separate page off their member profile to further elaborate on a particular topic. The page is viewable via the member’s profile as well as through the “Page” link on the menu on the left-hand side. There is a Sample Test page set up as an example.
Individuals who wish to comment on the material presented can offer comments in a separate Comments section associated with the original post.
Site Timeline This is a log which records the transactions that occur on the site throughout the day.

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