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Welcome to the Tabelio™ a community for Notaries and for people who might be interested in becoming notaries.

While we spell Tabelio™ with one “l”, it’s our intent to reference the role that a Tabellio played in ancient Rome. A Tabellio was a Roman officer who reduced to writing and into proper form, agreements, contracts, wills, and other instruments, and witnessed their execution. They were a little different from notaries of today in that they had judicial jurisdiction in some cases, and from their judgments could not be appealed. Our reference to this early notarial process is to help today’s notaries to contribute, share and learn from others to become better notaries.

Tabelio™ gives you a place where you can...

  • Learn techniques on how to build your business
  • Discuss notary practices and experiences about your state or province
  • Learn about notary practices across multiple states or countries
  • Meet others who practice in your jurisdiction
  • Learn about emerging opportunities in digital identity verification and enrollment
  • Create or join groups formed around an interest that is important to you
  • Create or comment on blog topics which you are passionate about

Best of all there is no membership fee!

Join today and reap rewards from sharing and learning from the experiences of others!

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